6 SMS marketing benefits you should know about

6 SMS marketing benefits you should know about

Smart businesses are using SMS marketing, also called text message marketing, to get the edge on competition. Getting the attention of potential customers has become a battle of technology. Companies using the latest digital marketing channels and techniques are finding and targeting consumers where they hang out the most – on their mobile phones. This is one of the main SMS marketing benefits.

Why use SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is a great way for businesses to connect with customers. It’s personal, direct, and fast. And it’s a great way to reach people who might not see your other marketing messages. You don’t need any special skills or training to start texting your customers.

Businesses can send messages to specific groups of customers, or tailor your message to each individual. This makes your communications more relevant and engaging, and helps you build better relationships with your customers.

There are many providers that make it easy for anyone to set up SMS campaigns and start messaging customers. As long as you’re familiar with a few basics of SMS marketing, you’re ready to jump in.

mobile marketing with hand

SMS marketing benefits

1. Personalized messages: With SMS marketing, you can send highly personalized messages to your existing customers. You can include their name, purchase history, and other information in the message to make it more relevant to them, which can increase customer loyalty.

2. Timely messages: SMS marketing allows you to send messages in real-time, so you can take advantage of opportunities as they happen. For example, if you’re running a sale or promotion, you can quickly send a text message to your customers to let them know.

3. Increased engagement: text message marketing can help you boost customer engagement and loyalty. By sending timely, relevant messages, you can keep your customers engaged with your brand.

4. Higher conversion rates: SMS marketing can also lead to higher conversion rates. Because SMS messages are so personal and direct, they can prompt customers to take action, such as making a purchase or scheduling an appointment.

5. Cost-effective: SMS marketing is a very effective way to reach the right audience at a low cost, especially small businesses. It can be much cheaper, often just a few cents, than other marketing methods, such as Google ads or traditional advertising. It is also more personal than even social media.

6. Low spam rate: Since it’s permission-based, another benefit of SMS marketing is the low spam rate – only 3% of text messages are marked as spam. This means you don’t have to worry about upsetting a customer base or complaints of unwanted messages.

text message marketing devices

Three main types of SMS marketing campaigns

1. Automated text messages are pre-written and sent out in a series. They can be used to send customers promotional content, or to keep them updated on new products or services.

2. One-time messages are sent as one-off communications and are often used for time-sensitive offers or announcements.

3. Triggered messages are sent in response to an action taken by the customer, such as opting in to a service or making a purchase.

SMS marketing best practices

When it comes to text marketing, there are a few best practices to keep in mind in order to ensure success. First, make sure your content is relevant to your audience. Keep the tone of your messages conversational and be sure to use keywords that will resonate with your subscribers. Additionally, make sure your messages are brief and to the point — no one wants to read a novel on their mobile phone! Finally, always give subscribers the option to opt out of future communications.

SMS marketing regulations

When it comes to mobile marketing, there are a few regulations you need to be aware of. The first is that you need to include a disclaimer in the first text message you send. This disclaimer should let your recipients know that msg & data rates may apply.

Another regulation to be aware of is that you can only send SMS marketing messages to people who have opted-in to receive them. This means that you can’t just add people’s cell numbers to your SMS marketing list without their permission.

Many, if not all, text message providers make it easy to comply with these and other SMS marketing regulations. They often automatically include the required disclaimer in all of the texts.

woman looking at phone

Disadvantages of SMS marketing

While SMS marketing does have its benefits, it does have a few disadvantages that you should be aware of before you start using this type of marketing.

First, your messages can have a character limit. This means that you can’t really include any rich media in your messages, such as audio or image files. Secondly, because of the way SMS messages are delivered, there is a chance that your message could get broken up into several smaller messages, which could bombard the recipient with multiple notifications.

Another big disadvantage: It’s easy to block unknown numbers. This means that any texts that don’t come from a saved contact will be filtered into a spam folder where the customer may never even realize it’s there.

This can be a major issue for businesses who rely on SMS marketing to reach mobile phone users. If customers are constantly blocking unknown numbers, they may never see your messages. One way to avoid being blocked is to use a short code. They are typically used by businesses and organizations, so customers are more likely to recognize them.

sms marketing benefits and solutions

As already explained, one of the many text marketing benefits is its cost effectiveness. However, the money can add up quickly if you are sending messages to a large number of people. Finally, because SMS messages are so personal, they can sometimes come across as intrusive or unwanted, which could turn off potential customers.

Keep these disadvantages in mind before you start using SMS marketing for your business. While there are several benefits of SMS marketing, it comes with some potential downsides that you should be aware of.

If you’re not using text message marketing, you’re missing out on a powerful marketing tool that can help you reach and engage your customers. With email marketing mostly dead, social media getting more restrictive and robo phone calls annoying, it’s probably a good idea to start looking at the benefits of SMS marketing for your business. Start using SMS marketing today to boost your businesses’ sales and get the edge on your competition.

The benefits of text message marketing explained

The benefits of text message marketing explained

Many businesses are seeing the benefits of text message marketing, often referred to as SMS marketing. Frankly, promoting products and services using traditional advertising is dead. Email ends up in the spam folder, and social media has become crowded and restrictive. So, businesses are looking for new ways to spread the word about their brand, and text messaging has been a huge benefit for them.

What is text message marketing?

Text message marketing is a promotional strategy that uses SMS messages sent to prospects and existing customers. It is also commonly referred to as mass texting. SMS messaging marketing is significantly more effective than email marketing and can reach a larger audience.

The way it works is businesses send text messages about their products or services to customers. These messages can include alerts and time-sensitive updates, as well as information about products and services.

SMS marketing solution

Benefits of text message marketing

There are several benefits to SMS marketing. One of the most obvious is that it’s an opt-in process. Customers have to sign up to receive texts from businesses, so they are already interested in what you have to say. This cuts down on the amount of unwanted messages people receive.

Another benefit is that text messages have a high open rate and seems to be the preferred method for receiving marketing promotions. In fact, studies show that text messages have a 99% open rate, while email has only a 20% open rate. This means that more people are likely to see your message when you send it via text, which increases customer engagement.

Text messages are also read quickly. The average person reads a text message within five minutes of receiving it. This is compared to email, which can take up to two hours to be read. This means that your message will be seen and action can be taken more quickly.

Text messages are also personal. They are sent directly to a person’s phone, so they feel like they are being communicated with on a one-to-one basis and receiving exclusive deals. This helps to build trust and rapport with customers.

Finally, text messages are relatively inexpensive. You can reach a large number of people for very little cost. This makes SMS marketing an affordable option for both large and small businesses.

woman texting

Using text message marketing successfully

There are a number of businesses that are using SMS marketing successfully. A few examples include:

Retail stores – Retail stores can use SMS marketing to send special promotions and discounts to customers. This helps to drive traffic to the store and increase sales.

Restaurants – Restaurants can use text message marketing to send customers updates about special events or promotions. This helps to keep customers informed and engaged with the restaurant.

Service businesses – Service businesses can use SMS marketing to send appointment reminders or updates about service changes. This helps to keep customers updated and helps to reduce no-shows.

Education – Educational institutions can use text message marketing to send reminders about upcoming events or deadlines. This helps to keep students on track and helps to reduce missed opportunities.

Healthcare – Healthcare providers can use SMS marketing campaigns to send appointment reminders or updates about changes in service. This helps to keep patients informed and helps to reduce no-shows.

Network marketing – SMS campaigns are a powerful tool for network marketers. It allows you to instantly reach your downline and customers with important information. The speed, reach, open rate, and low cost of text messages make them a powerful marketing tool.

How to get started with text message marketing

Getting started with SMS marketing is a fairly easy process. First, you need to find a third-party provider that offers a text message marketing service. Once you have found a provider, you will need to create an account and then provide your contact information.

The next step is to create your first campaign. This will involve creating a message and then sending it out to your target audience. Once your campaign is live, you will be able to track its performance and make changes as necessary.

One of the best ways to get subscribers is by using promotional marketing campaigns. This can be done by requesting people send a specific keyword to a shortcode to be added to your list. Checking a box while making a purchase is another method to get people to opt in.

Before opting-in, subscribers will want to know what to expect. How often will messages come and what type will they be? This way, people will know what they are signing up for and be more likely to opt in.

Tips for creating successful text message campaigns

There are a few things to keep in mind when using SMS marketing. First, make sure your messages are clear and concise. No one wants to read a long novel on their phone. Second, don’t send too many messages. You don’t want to become a nuisance. Lastly, give customers an opt-out option so they can stop receiving messages if they want.

When sending text messages, keep the receiver’s daily habits in mind. When are they using their phones? Mondays are the worst for response rates, per Mobile Marketer. It’s best to avoid that day, unless there is a specific reason.

Typically, 6:30-8:30 a.m. and 4-7 p.m. are bad, as people are in the car and won’t notice texts or bother to respond.

It seems 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. is most effective for SMS marketers. Remember to keep the send times appropriate for a receiver’s time zone.

benefits of text message marketing

CTIA’s guidelines for text message marketing

The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association’s (CTIA) rules for text message marketing are pretty simple, but it is a must every business follow them. Always include “msg & data rates apply” in your auto-reply messages. This disclaimer lets your subscribers know that they may be charged for receiving text messages, so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to opt in.

Most SMS marketing services will add this disclaimer automatically, but it’s always good to double-check. Following the CTIA’s guidelines is a great way to make sure you’re staying compliant and providing a good experience for your subscribers.

Additionally, make sure you’re only sending marketing messages to people or existing customers who have opted in to receive them. It’s not only a courtesy, but it’s the law. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) prohibits businesses from sending unsolicited text messages, and you could be fined up to $1,500 per violation if you’re caught doing it. So, play it safe and always get explicit permission before sending marketing texts as well as the ability to opt out.

The future of text message marketing

Text message marketing is becoming an increasingly popular way to reach consumers. This is because billions of people own a phone and spend a lot of time on them. Additionally, mobile phones are becoming more popular, so consumers expect to get updates about their purchases, shipping, and returns via mobile alerts.

As we move further into the 21st century, it becomes increasingly important to connect with customers and prospects. In order to stay ahead of the competition, it is crucial to build and maintain customer relationships. One of the most effective ways to do this is through SMS marketing.

Compared to any other marketing service, the benefits of SMS marketing are vast and can be used in a number of different industries. If you are looking for a way to reach a large group of people at the same time, text message marketing may be the right solution for you.

Mobile Content Marketing Captures More Leads

Mobile Content Marketing Captures More Leads

The average American checks their phone dozens, if not hundreds, of times a day. It’s no wonder that businesses are taking note and increasing their investment in mobile content marketing. The question is, how can you make sure your content stands out in a sea of notifications and competing demands for our attention?

What is mobile content marketing?

Mobile content marketing is a form of marketing that involves the creation and distribution of content specifically for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It is a relatively new field, but it is growing rapidly as more and more people use their mobile devices to access the internet.

There are a number of different ways to create mobile content. Some common formats include text, images, videos, and interactive elements like quizzes and surveys.

Why do you need mobile content marketing?

Mobile phones provide brands with nearly unlimited access to the consumer. Since these devices are always on and at our sides for a good part of the day, brands can easily reach consumers with their messaging and content. They provide customers with relevant information at opportune times. Think about all your mobile apps that you have on your phone that send you push notifications based on time or location. The possibilities are endless.

In order to have a successful mobile marketing campaign, you need to have a well-designed website that looks good and is easy to use on mobile devices. Most people now browse the web using their phones or tablets, so it’s important to make sure your website is optimized for these devices.

Why is it important to personalize content for mobile users?

Mobile users are inundated with content, notifications, and advertisements from a variety of sources. It is more important than ever to personalize content for mobile users in order to ensure that they see the most relevant information. Personalized content is more likely to be seen and acted on than generic content.

Consumers expect personal and relevant messages from their preferred brands. They want to feel like the brand understands their needs and is catering content specifically for them. This is where data comes in handy. Brands can use customer data to better understand what content is most relevant to certain customers and then deliver that content directly to them.

More intimacy with mobile marketing

Mobile provides a more intimate experience than other platforms. With the personal nature of mobile devices, consumers are more likely to trust brands that send them relevant and valuable content. In other words, if a brand can provide the right kind of content on mobile, it will be much more successful in building customer loyalty and engagement.

With an attention-focused economy, content marketing is seeing the greatest benefit through mobile platforms. In order to cut through the noise and reach consumers on their mobile devices, you need to create content specifically for those devices. Personalizing your content for mobile users is more important than ever, as they are inundated with information from a variety of sources. By using mobile content marketing, you can reach out to these consumers and deliver your message directly to them.