Cold texting your MLM opportunity is illegal

Cold texting your MLM opportunity is illegal

Lately, cold texting has been showing up in discussions in how to promote a network marketing business. Some videos and blog posts are touting the benefits of cold texting and the effectiveness of SMS marketing. While it is true that reaching people quickly via text is a great way to spread the word about your products or business opportunity, sending a cold text message can get you in a lot of trouble. 

woman frustrated look

Is cold texting legal?

Cold texting refers to sending unsolicited messages to individuals who have not given their permission or consent to receive such texts. It involves the use of automated technology to send out bulk messages to large numbers of people. In most cases, cold texting is considered illegal, as it violates the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and other applicable laws and regulations. The fines for cold texting your leads without permission can be up to $1,500 per complaint.

In addition to being a nuisance, cold texting can also expose recipients to potential scams and frauds. Individuals who engage in cold texting leads can face serious legal penalties, including fines and lawsuits, and can damage their reputation and brand image in the process. As such, it is important to obtain the necessary permissions and consents before engaging in any kind of texting or marketing activity. By following the law and respecting people’s privacy and preferences, businesses and individuals can build trustworthy and long-lasting relationships with their customers and audiences. 

Does cold messaging work?

Cold messaging does work at generating buzz about your product or service. However, it also works to annoy prospects and customers. While it is true that people would rather text a business for information, they do not like it the other way around. In other words, they can reach out via SMS first, but your business should not. 

Just like cold emailing, a sales team can use mass texting to send thousands of messages in just a few clicks. The results can be similar to cold calling, a lot of people will ignore the message, but the ones that do respond positively are ripe to making a purchase. The sales process quickens by skipping the whole slowly warming up a prospect to your message.

man texting on phone

How can I turn cold texting into warm texting?

Instead of risking legal issues, avoid cold SMS marketing by growing a list of active prospects that want to hear from you. Just like email marketing, you can build a list of subscribers by offering an incentive in exchange for a phone number. Offering a discount, free report, or exclusive inside information can motivate a person to give up their precious information.

The easiest way for a prospect to give their phone number or opt-in to your list is by using a keyword. In a print ad, website form, or social media post, you can write something like “text the word ‘info’ to 800-222-3333 to get this secret formula.” A person texts the keyword, in this case “info,” to the number. They get the promised information and the system automatically captures their phone number. Legally, this counts as consent and you are able to send friendly, engaging texts to prospects without fear of repercussion. 

cell phone device in hand

Text message marketing good practices

Once you have a prospect’s permission to text them, there are still a few things you want to remain mindful of. You don’t want to accidently use texting to turn an excited prospect into an angry person who feels like they received spam from you.

When you reach out to prospects, don’t send any SMS messages outside of business hours. If your business sells to people in different time zones, pay attention to what time your leads and customers will receive messages. You don’t want to text someone at 3 a.m. even though it 3 p.m. where you are.

Another good practice is to make it easy for prospective customers to opt out of receiving messages. This is easy to do as most SMS marketing and sales platforms usually include a mandatory opt-out link in messages.

When you compose ads enticing prospects to give up a phone number, you should give them an idea of approximately how many texts they will likely receive weekly or monthly. You can include language like “you may receive up to 6 marketing messages per month” or something similar.

women texting each other

Text message marketing and MLM

Text message marketing is an excellent tool for businesses of all kinds, but it can be particularly useful for multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses. However, it can be challenging to connect with potential customers and build relationships. That’s where text message marketing comes in.

An automated text messaging robot, also known as an SMS chatbot, can help your MLM business warm up leads and get them excited to talk to you. These chatbots can work 24/7, engaging potential recruits with personalized messages that feel like a conversation. The beauty of a text message marketing chatbot is that it works on complete autopilot. This means that MLM business owners can focus on other aspects of their business while the chatbot does the heavy lifting. 

Use SMS to build a contact list the right way

While tempting, sending unsolicited text messages jeopardizes your network marketing business. Messages to customers who have already done business with you are okay as long as you have received consent. Otherwise, you’ll want to grow your list and build relationships just like you would through any other marketing campaigns. 

Jasper AI can beat AI detectors and here’s the proof

Jasper AI can beat AI detectors and here’s the proof

The Jasper AI tool has taken content marketing to another level. It can write cold emails, video scripts, and even complete blog posts. Instead of manually writing content, marketing teams can now use Jasper AI to generate personalized content in minutes. With its advanced algorithms, the tool quickly analyzes customer data and creates content that is tailored to each individual user’s needs. This helps ensure that customers receive engaging, relevant messages that are more likely to convert into sales.

The advancement of AI technology has gone from a slow march to a full sprint. Alongside that, software designed to detect AI content has been struggling to keep up. It seems the experts behind Jasper are staying on top of the tech by continually updating and tweaking to keep their algorithms ahead of the game.

So, how does Jasper compete against the latest AI detectors? Well, we did an experiment to find out. The video shows a live demonstration of Jasper quickly creating a paragraph and then that paragraph is put into two AI detectors. Not surprisingly, AI detection failed!

Jasper AI ok symbol

Why is this important? It seems Google is concerned about the authenticity of the website it ranks. The search giant is using their own AI detectors behind the scenes to potentially penalize websites that heavily rely on AI content. While the company says AI content is okay as long as it is reliable and relevant, Google has a reputation for penalizing content unnecessarily and there is no way to reverse if it’s your content. So, if you plan to use AI content, it’s crucial to use a writing assistant that is ahead of the curve.

How AI Will Destroy a Content Marketing Plan

How AI Will Destroy a Content Marketing Plan

Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming an integral part of content marketing. AI-driven technologies are helping marketers create more personalized and targeted campaigns that have higher engagement rates and better ROI.

AI can also help automate tasks such as content creation, ad optimization, and customer analysis. Although the potential benefits of using artificial intelligence in marketing are vast, it’s important to understand that it has the potential to destroy your plan altogether.

Why do you keep hearing about artificial intelligence?

The excitement surrounding artificial intelligence is palpable and understandable. AI has the potential to revolutionize how we create, distribute and optimize content campaigns. It can help marketers better understand their target audiences, allowing them customizations to speak directly to each individual customer. Furthermore, AI enables marketers to quickly and accurately analyze large amounts of data in order to gain valuable insights into their potential prospects.

On the other hand, there is a certain level of risk for marketers who are not well-versed in understanding the technology. It’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls associated with relying on a nonhuman entity, including misuse of customer data and a lack of control over how the tech is used.

Can a robot help with content marketing?

Some GPT-3 language models can generate text that can fool humans. Even big media companies have been secretly utilizing AI to generate blog articles for some time and many readers never notice. So, it’s safe to say that a virtual bot, like ChatGPT from OpenAI, can create quality content. 

However, the technology still has a long way to go before it can match the level of sophistication and nuanced understanding of human writers. Furthermore, AI is not yet able to understand context in the same manner as humans and therefore cannot craft marketing campaigns designed for maximum engagement.

repetitive content

Inaccurate and repetitive content

AI-generated content often contains inaccuracies due to its limited understanding of context. One of the most common issues with this content is repetitive phrases or ideas. This happens because AI does not recognize that certain words, phrases, and concepts are related. As a result, it may use the same phrase over and over again, making it read as if it were written by a robot.

Furthermore, AI does not have the ability to create compelling stories or emotional narrative arcs which are essential for creating engagement. AI-created content may lack that “human touch” and fail to connect with readers.

Plagiarism and content spinning could destroy your brand

AI content can also lead to accusations of plagiarism, especially when it is not properly monitored. Due to its limited understanding of context and the lack of oversight, it is easy for others’ work to be duplicated or rewritten from other sources without proper attribution. This can create legal issues as well as reputation damage to the content creator. Some writing assistants, like Jasper, have built-in anti-plagiarism tools to prevent potential legal problems.

Finally, some writing tools can be used to spin text in a way that makes it difficult for readers to discern between original and AI-powered content. This is achieved by oversimplifying or dumbing down language to make it easier for algorithms to generate similar sentences from different sources. The result is content that is often difficult to read and lacks the nuanced understanding of human writers.

google penalizes ai content

Does Google like AI-powered content?

Google loves to use its AI but is leery if you use the technology as part of your marketing strategy. Actually, Google doesn’t really block your blog posts from reaching the top of the search results. That is unless the article is useless, misleading, or plagiarized. If you publish non-sensical gibberish or keyword-stuffed articles meant to trick the search engine, Google will push the ranking down.

Proper use of AI

When using this technology to generate articles, always take a few minutes to fact-check sources. Your articles should be accurate and up-to-date. Correct grammar usage is crucial as well. Text that is filled with errors will be a big turn-off to both readers and Google.

Readability is another important factor. While the bot can throw out some great sentences and paragraphs, you still need to read them to ensure they flow and fit together. To go alongside this, your content needs a consistent and unique tone of voice. Since AI is a robot, it will sound that way, so remember to add a little human touch to the writing.

ai meets human

Add a human to edit your content

Humans are driven by emotions and a strong connection to the world around them. In order for text to fully engage your readers, it should take into account the emotional needs of its audience. The key to success is to humanize it to establish an engaging and meaningful connection with your reader.

One way to do this is to let the power of AI handle the tasks that are better suited for machine processing and use human creativity for the more complex tasks. For example, the technology can be used to generate ideas for a blog headline, initial content research, or search engine optimization (SEO). Meanwhile, a human writer can implement those ideas into engaging, high-quality stories and content strategies. A human editor or copywriter can also take content and make it more readable and compelling.

The future is here

The future of writing tools in marketing is an exciting one. Robots have already been used to improve customer service, target customers with personalized messaging, and even create text for websites and social media platforms. As the technology continues to advance and become more widespread, it will have an even bigger impact on marketing strategies.

Machine learning is revolutionizing the way marketing is done and the ways in which consumers interact with businesses. While it’s not without its risks, the technology presents a unique opportunity for marketers to stay ahead of the competition, keep their customers engaged as well as save a ton of time and money. It will be interesting to see how this technology continues to develop over time and how marketers use it to create more effective campaigns.

the future of ai

Are you willing to embrace it?

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual content marketer to decide whether they want to embrace AI and its potential risks. Although it can create a significant competitive advantage for marketers who understand how to use it correctly, utilizing the technology can also be a daunting and intimidating task for those who don’t have the necessary technical knowledge.

The bottom line is that robot intelligence has and will continue to disrupt the content creation process, but it should be used responsibly. While any tools that make it faster to write is a creator’s dream, it’s still important to remember to use them in a way that respects customer privacy and ensures the quality of your content remains high.

Can cold email marketing be done with AI?

Can cold email marketing be done with AI?

In a world where competition for the attention of potential customers is fierce, businesses must find new and innovative ways to reach their target audience. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly popular tool for cold email marketing that is both effective and efficient.

AI can help businesses send emails with personalized content tailored to individual needs in order to increase open rates and conversions. By leveraging AI technology, businesses can automate the process of sending out hundreds or thousands of emails at once while ensuring each one is customized for maximum effectiveness. Let’s explore how AI can be used to create cold email campaigns that get a response, generate leads, and drive sales growth.

cold email campaign strategy

What is cold email marketing?

Cold email marketing, also known as direct email marketing, is an effective method of reaching out to potential customers who may not be familiar with your business or brand. It involves sending personalized emails to individual addresses in order to introduce them to what your company offers and invite them to learn more.

The key to successful cold emailing lies in the quality of your content. You need to create a compelling message that stands out from the bazillion other emails competing for your recipient’s attention. And to do that effectively, you need to use artificial intelligence tools that can help you craft an engaging and persuasive email message.

Is cold email marketing effective?

Cold emails are a powerful tool for businesses to reach potential customers and generate leads. When done correctly, it can be an effective way to drive sales growth. However, the key to an effective cold email strategy is in using artificial intelligence and smart algorithms to personalize your outreach. By tailoring your messages to each recipient based on their needs, interests, and behaviors, you can increase conversion rates.

One of the biggest challenges in cold email marketing is writing effective outreach messages. A/B testing and maximizing open rates is only part of the equation – it’s also important to know what recipients are looking for and how to tailor your messaging accordingly.

AI marketing campaign

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence, in essence, is a computer system that can learn, adapt, and make decisions. It relies on various algorithms to process inputs and make intelligent decisions based on those inputs. For example, if you were creating a system that could learn to play chess, you would give the system inputs like data on the different chess pieces and the rules of the game. The system would then analyze this data using its computational power, learning from past experience, and making decisions about how to play the game.

AI helps businesses create effective cold email campaigns

One of the main benefits of using AI for cold email is that it can help businesses maximize open rates and interest by automatically personalizing each email based on factors such as the recipient’s demographics, interests, and past browsing behavior.

Additionally, AI can be used to continuously monitor and optimize campaign performance in real-time, allowing businesses to quickly identify areas for improvement and make changes accordingly. This not only enables businesses to stay ahead of their competition, but also ensures that they are always delivering the most relevant content to potential customers.

connect with businesses with email

Key features and benefits of AI-powered cold email efforts

Two key benefits of using artificial intelligence for cold emails include effective targeting, which can help get someone to open your email, and improved campaign performance tracking. By leveraging AI-powered email technology, businesses are able to engage with potential customers at scale while ensuring that each email is personalized and targeted to meet their needs and preferences.

In addition, they can easily track the performance of individual campaigns over time to identify trends, respond quickly to changing market conditions, and make data-driven decisions to boost sales growth. Overall, AI has the potential to transform the way businesses approach cold email outreach by making it faster, easier, and more effective.

What makes a cold email different from spam?

Unlike spam, which is most often generic and irrelevant, cold emails should be customized for each recipient and should include information about the sender that is relevant and valuable to that contact. For example, if you are a marketing consultant who specializes in social media campaigns, your email might include a link to a case study featuring one of your recent clients who saw significant success with their social media presence after working with you.

Another important difference between spam and cold emails is that spam lacks any real strategy behind it. Cold emails, on the other hand, are often part of a larger digital marketing strategy, and they are used as part of an overall strategy to build relationships with potential customers or clients.

man punching air

Are cold emails legal?

Despite their somewhat controversial nature, cold emails are perfectly legal as long as they do not contain any fraudulent or misleading information. For example, it is illegal to send a cold email that makes false claims about your product or service to trick the recipient into doing business with you. But if you are upfront and honest about who you are, what you offer, and why the recipient should be interested in doing business with you, then cold emailing is perfectly acceptable.

While there are no specific laws or regulations that regulate the content of cold emails, there are some general guidelines that can help ensure your emails get opened and read. These include using an appropriate subject line, providing your full contact information, and making sure that the content of your email is relevant to the recipient.

Best practices when creating and sending out a cold email using AI

When creating and sending out a cold email with AI, there are several best practices that businesses should adhere to that ensures maximum effectiveness.

Firstly, it is important that businesses establish clear goals for their campaigns. This includes deciding on the target audience, identifying desired outcomes, understanding the value proposition of the product or service being marketed, and identifying specific metrics for measuring success.

Once these goals have been established, businesses should then focus on developing highly targeted and personalized content that resonates with their audience. This may involve using data from past campaigns or customer profiles to tailor email subject lines, body copy, and call-to-action buttons to the specific interests and needs of each recipient.

In addition, businesses should make use of available tools and resources such as email automation software, real-time analytics dashboards, and A/B testing features in order to continuously optimize campaign performance and maximize ROI. By following these practices, businesses can create highly effective cold emails that help to generate leads, increase sales, and boost overall revenue.

woman surrounded by marketing

How are GDPR and cold emails related?

GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, is a European Union law aimed at protecting an individual’s personal data. It dictates that companies must obtain explicit consent from prospective customers before sending them any kind of direct marketing material.

But how are cold emails within GDPR rules? There are just a few guidelines to follow to stay compliant.

  1. Ensure that you have a valid purpose for reaching out to your prospect.
  2. You should be able to articulate how you obtained the prospect’s email address.
  3. Make sure to provide a simple and swift unsubscribing process.
  4. Keep your email database up to date.
  5. Reply to complaints and questions in a timely and efficient manner.

Generally, GDPR is limited to European Union citizens. For a cold email sent within the U.S., following GDPR compliance is not specifically necessary, but it is likely more ethical if you do it anyway.

AI writing tools and cold email software

AI writing tools have become increasingly popular among businesses that use cold email campaigns to generate leads and increase sales. This has led to a multitude of them being created and implemented.

For writing emails that are compelling and engaging, many online marketers have turned to Jasper. This tool generates emails, video scripts, social media posts, and even complete blog articles in seconds. While there are many similar AI writing tools, Jasper remains one of the most popular and innovative. Article Forge is another AI tool, but mostly used to write articles and not so much for creating an email marketing campaign.

For sending mass emails, there are GMass, Woodpecker, and SalesHandy. Each of which has its own features and benefits, with some that include cold email templates. Of course, which one is the best cold email platform depends on the needs of the business.

man pressing on button

Key takeaways to AI and cold email marketing

One of the key benefits of using AI tools for cold emailing is their ability to automate the process of segmentation and personalization. This can involve using real-time data to determine which recipients are most likely to respond positively to a given email or identifying the best time of day to send an email based on past behavior patterns. This can go a long way to improve response rate after an initial email.

Other popular features include A/B testing capabilities that allow users to test multiple versions of individual emails to identify the most effective subject lines, copy, and call-to-action buttons. Additionally, AI tools can provide users with real-time analytics dashboards that show key campaign metrics such as open rates, clickthrough rates, conversions, and more. Overall, using an AI tool for cold emails can help businesses to create highly targeted

With AI tools like Jasper, businesses are able to create automated emails that are both efficient and effective while ensuring each one is customized according to the recipient’s preferences. Cold emailing using AI-driven technology is becoming increasingly popular among business owners who want to maximize their lead-generation efforts and build an email list without sacrificing the quality or effectiveness of their outreach campaign.

Overall, if you’re looking to improve your cold email efforts, it’s important to leverage the power of artificial intelligence and smart algorithms to create personalized campaigns that resonate with your recipients and drive conversions. With the right tools and approach, you can significantly increase your leads and sales, which will take your business to the next level!

How Much Money Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer?

How Much Money Can You Make as an Affiliate Marketer?

Have you ever wondered how much money you could make as an affiliate marketer? The short answer is: It depends. As with any type of job or business, your earning potential will depend on a variety of factors, such as the products you’re promoting, the size of your audience, and your overall marketing strategy. But don’t worry! With the right knowledge and dedication, there are plenty of opportunities to be successful as an affiliate marketer. Let’s take a look at what it takes to become a successful affiliate marketer and how much money you can make!

affiliate marketer making money

Affiliate marketing strategy

One of the key elements to success in affiliate marketing is having a comprehensive marketing strategy. This includes researching different products or services that may be in demand, creating engaging content around those products or services, and connecting with potential customers through various channels (i.e., social media, email campaigns). Additionally, research and analyze which tactics are working best for other marketers in your space so that you can incorporate them into your own strategy. Being able to quickly identify which strategies are driving results will help ensure maximum return on investment (ROI).

Size of your audience

Another factor that affects your earning potential is the size of your audience. The larger the audience you have—whether it’s through social media followers or website visitors—the more likely people will click on links or purchase products based on your recommendations. If you don’t already have an audience established, consider focusing on building one first before investing too much time into affiliate marketing campaigns. Once you have an engaged audience base, then start marketing relevant offers through various channels such as blog posts or videos.

rocket ship with money in clouds

Affiliate commission rates

The amount of money you make from each commission is also something to consider when determining how much money you can make as an affiliate marketer. Different programs offer different commission rates; some offer high commissions while others may not be worth pursuing due to their low rates. When selecting which programs to promote, focus on quality over quantity and look for ones that offer attractive commissions and rewards programs for loyal customers. 


Affiliate marketing has become a popular way for many people to generate income online without having to create their own product or service from scratch. With the right strategies and dedication, anyone can become successful in this industry by leveraging their existing skillset and resources available online today. How much money you can make from affiliate marketing depends on several factors such as your target audience size, commission rates offered by program providers, and overall marketing strategy used for promotion purposes—all of which require careful planning and execution if one hopes to succeed in this field! With that said though – it certainly pays off when done right!